These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
TimePanic is an easy-to-use personal time tracking tool for computer-based workplaces. It can record your daily working times, categorized by projects that you are working on and generate daily or long-term reports.... Category: Time Tracking
Advanced Uninstaller PRO lets you uninstall software, manage startup programs, remove invalid Start Menu entries, clean your registry, remove Internet tracks and more. The program also enables you... Category: Uninstall Utilities Offers to install promotional, third party software.
CCleaner is a tool to clean your system from temporary and unnecessary files that accumulate over time. This also includes rather thorough cleaning of Internet and PC usage tracks like browser cach... Category: Internet Tracks Cleanup Offers to install promotional, third party software.
MapleXP enables you to keep track of how much time you spend working various projects. It allows you to maintain multiple projects and divide each project into a hierarchy of tasks and actions in reference to those task... Category: Time Tracking
Ashampoo UnInstaller enables you to record every change done during software installations, and later perform a complete uninstall to undo all changes. The program creates a before/after snapshot of your system and then... Category: Uninstall Utilities
BitMeter 2 is a small bandwidth meter, that allows you to monitor your Internet connection with the help of a real-time graph that shows your upload and download speed over time. It offers long-term upload/download hist... Category: Network Monitoring
AIMP is a full-featured audio player that supports all popular audio formats as well as Internet radio playback and recording. It offers a media library, sound recorder and audio format conversion along with a modern, u... Category: Multimedia Players
ManicTime (Free Version) enables you to track computer usage and allows you to review which applications you have used on a certain day and for how long you were active on the computer. The program... Category: Time Tracking
AnalogX AnonyMAC enables you to change the MAC address for any selected network adapter. You can choose to type your own MAC address or use a randomly generated one from a list of manufacturers that is supplied via an I... Category: Network Testing
Invisible Secrets is a security tool that can encrypt your data and files for safe keeping or for secure transfer across the internet. It can also hides them inside other files, that appear totally innocent, such as pic... Category: Encryption Tools