These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Folder Size is a tool to analyze your hard drives and display your folders and files sorted by their size and percentage of disk space that they occupy. In addition to interactive pie/bar charts, i...
Category: Disk Space Analyzer
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool quickly scans your web browser and produces a list of all installed browser add-ons and toolbars. You can then choose to disable or remove them one by one.
Avast Brows...
Category: Browser Tools
Managed Disk Cleanup is an Open Source version of the soon to be discontinued Disk Cleanup utility that ships with Windows.
The program offers a near identical interface and features that let you ...
Category: System Cleaning
A multi-featured cataloging utility that helps you maintain archives of various digital content, such as collections of documents, music, graphics, video, software etc. Such content may be distributed over different off...
Category: Disk Cataloging
SuperCat is a disk cataloging tool, that allows you to index and search files on local drives as well as removable disks such as CD-ROMs, Zip disks and diskettes. Creating a new catalog is as easy as selecting the drive...
Category: Disk Cataloging
Gentibus CD enables you to scan your photo CDs or removable drives and store thumbnail images of the pictures on your PC. This allows you to search for files (pictures) without the need for inserting the actual CD. The ...
Category: Disk Cataloging
Advanced CATaloguer Pro is a file cataloging utility that allows you to create searchable indexes from removable media (CDs, DVDs etc.) as well as local folders, drives and other types of storage media. These indexes ca...
Category: Disk Cataloging
Smart CD Catalog Professional is a simple disc cataloging tool that can index all your CDs/DVDs and allows you to organize them into categories and add personal comments. If you need to find a specific file on a disc, y...
Category: Disk Cataloging
ImageCD Catalog enables you to catalog your photo CDs and browse and/or search through them by thumbnail images, without the need to insert the original CD. You can add keywords to each disk, search for photos by name, ...
Category: Disk Cataloging
HD Speed measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, USB drives and CD/DVD drives. It features a real-time graphical display that indicates the read and write performa...
Category: Disk Tools