These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
UK`s Kalender is a straightforward calendar and To-Do list with a solid set of features and an easy to use interface. It provides weekly, monthly and yearly views, and allows you to create simple or recurring reminders ...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
VIP Simple To Do List enables you to maintain a ToDo list for your personal or business tasks. It supports custom categories and task reminders by sound or email. You can view all your tasks at once, or filter them by d...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
TKexe Designer (formerly TKexe Kalender) enables you to create printable calendar pages from your personal photos or designs. You can add up to 20 images to each monthly display and customize the page layout via drag an...
Category: Printing Tools
Hott Notes enables you to place virtual sticky notes on your desktop to remind you of upcoming tasks, things to do or any other information that you want to keep handy. The program supports regular notes, alarm notes, c...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Dynamic Notes is a scheduler, reminder and notes organizer that enables you to place virtual sticky notes on your desktop. The notes can remain on your desktop or remain hidden until they are due. The program can option...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
EverNote is an all-in-one notes organizer that enables you to keep track of notes, To-Do items, memos, sketches, website snippets, ideas and other things and automatically synchronize them between multiple computers and...
Category: Note Taking Software
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
NoteZilla enables you to place attractive sticky notes on your desktop, or associate them with websites, documents or application windows. The notes support font formatting, pictures and reminder alarms, and can be roll...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
ReminderCube is a personal calendar and reminder application that displays your daily events and reminds you of upcoming tasks. The interface also provides a simple RSS reader to keep track of your favorite web feeds, a...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Reminder Commander enables you to maintain a list of reminders for important events or appointments, such as birthdays, meetings, anniversaries and more. The program supports one-time reminders, as well as periodic remi...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Birthday Reminder is a simple program that can alert you of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries or other recurring events. You can choose to be notified X days in advance, select a custom icon for each entry and also view...
Category: To-Do and Reminders