These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
EverNote is an all-in-one notes organizer that enables you to keep track of notes, To-Do items, memos, sketches, website snippets, ideas and other things and automatically synchronize them between multiple computers and...
Category: Note Taking Software
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
NoteZilla enables you to place attractive sticky notes on your desktop, or associate them with websites, documents or application windows. The notes support font formatting, pictures and reminder alarms, and can be roll...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
ReminderCube is a personal calendar and reminder application that displays your daily events and reminds you of upcoming tasks. The interface also provides a simple RSS reader to keep track of your favorite web feeds, a...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Reminder Commander enables you to maintain a list of reminders for important events or appointments, such as birthdays, meetings, anniversaries and more. The program supports one-time reminders, as well as periodic remi...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Birthday Reminder is a simple program that can alert you of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries or other recurring events. You can choose to be notified X days in advance, select a custom icon for each entry and also view...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
TaskMerlin is a full featured software to manage your personal or professional tasks, projects and to-do lists. It offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features to manage your projects. ...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
VueMinder Calendar Pro is a full-featured calendar program that supports multiple calendars which can be displayed simultaneously as layers. It offers the standard daily, weekly and monthly view options as well as diffe...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Mindful is a personal reminder software that enables you to set up multiple one-time or recurring reminders for important events. You can choose to be alerted via pop-up window on your desktop or by launch of a file or...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Break Time is a simple break reminder program, designed to prevent RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), OOS (Occupational Overuse Syndrome), CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome) and other computer-related health problems. ...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
CodeTwo NetCalendars is a group calendar application that enables you to share one or more calendars with other users on the network or Internet. You can create new calendars in the NetCalendars format or share your per...
Category: Info Management