These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Rapid SEO Tool is an easy to use software that analyzes a page from your website and provides you with an optimization report that includes keyword density, page rank, W3C validation, inbound/outbound link counts and ot...
Category: SEO Tools
Shell Tools is a shell extension for Windows Explorer that adds several useful commands to the right click menu for files and folders. The commands include "File Note", "Copy Path" and "Resize Images" for files, and "Sh...
Category: File Management
Avast Browser Cleanup Tool quickly scans your web browser and produces a list of all installed browser add-ons and toolbars. You can then choose to disable or remove them one by one.
Avast Brows...
Category: Browser Tools
OEM Info Tool enables you to customize the OEM information on your computer. The OEM info usually displays the name of the PC manufacturer along with their logo in the System Properties window.
Category: System Tweaking
Public DNS Server Tool is a simple tool that makes it easy to change the DNS server settings for your network card(s) to one of several public DNS services.
Using a public DNS service can have sev...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
SpyShelter Security Test Tool (AntiTest.exe) is a testing tool for those who have security software installed to prevent keylogging, webcam spying and other malicious snooping attacks. The program allows you to perform ...
Category: Misc. Security Tools
Ratool (Removable Access Tool) enables you to control USB storage devices, CD-DVD devices, Floppy device , Tape and WPD devices that are connected to your computer.
You can choose to completely...
Category: PC Access Control
FrontFace Lockdown Tool enables you to protect and lock down any Windows PC
for use as public kiosk terminal, digital signage applications or other unattended use.
The program allows you to d...
Category: PC Access Control
Windows Inspection Tool Set (WITS) provides you with detailed insight into your Windows system. You can view operating system information, processes, services, users, network interfaces and connections, file shares, pri...
Category: Advanced System Tools
This is the official Superfish removal tool from Lenovo. The tool is designed to remove the Superfish adware and remove all traces from the files system and registry.
Superfish is an adware applic...
Category: Malware Removal