These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Aid4Mail enables you to migrate your email messages from on email program to another. It supports conversion between more than 30 email clients and mailbox formats including Outlook 2007, Windows Mail/Live Mail, Thunde...
Category: Misc. E-mail Tools
SQLBackupAndFTP Free (feature limited) enables you to backup your SQL Server databases and save them to a local drive, network folder or upload them to a remote FTP server. You can run the backups manually or schedule t...
Category: Backup Software
LiveContactsView enables you to view the details for all your Windows Live Messenger contacts, including name, nick name, handle, phone, address, email address and more. The entire list (or parts o...
Category: Instant Messaging
Azz Cardfile is a customizable free-form cardfile-type database that allows you to manage all kinds of information, from recipes and notes to vocabulary, addresses and phone numbers or anything else that you want to cat...
Category: Misc. Organizers
CodeTwo Outlook Export enables you to quickly and easily export data from a Microsoft Outlook folder to a CSV text file. Unlike the built-in Outlook export function, which is very limited, this program allows you to se...
Category: Outlook Add-ons
CheatBook is a database that contains more than 20,000 cheats and walkthroughs for console and PC video games, including XBox 360/One, Playstation, Nintendo DS, PSP, iPhone, Wii and others. The che...
Category: Educational Tools
One-Click SQL Restore saves you time when performing a "complete restore" from a SQL Server database backup. You can simply double-click the .BAK file and the program will do the rest. It connects to the (local) server,...
Category: Database Tools
Database.NET is a universal database client that enables you to connect to most database servers to perform SQL queries, create databases and tables, and edit table rows. The program includes a syn...
Category: Database Tools
DataCleaner is an advanced data analyzing tool that can help you analyze, clean and profile the content of your database tables. The program works with all popular database models, including SQL Server, mySQL, Firebird,...
Category: Database Tools
Doccolabs ClipTable enables you to create SQL database tables by simply pasting delimited text from the clipboard. If your data uses standard delimiters or XML syntax, you can get away with a simple click that creates a...
Category: Database Tools