These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
STGThumb allows you to create high-quality thumbnails from your images. You can choose to select individual files or entire directories, and the size and quality of the thumbnail images can be customized. You can als...
Category: Image Resizing
QuoteRight is a small and handy tool that lets you create quoted text for emails (or any other document). Simply copy the text to be quoted to the clipboard and QuoteRight will convert it by adding a special character (...
Category: Word Processing
PicturesToExe allows you to select images and compile them into a standalone EXE slideshow with transition effects, background music, personal comments and more. You can select images (JPG, BMP and...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
MySlideShow enables you to create photo slideshows that can be published as screensaver, Autorun CD, web gallery or standalone executable. You can choose from a variety of transition effects, add synchronized background...
Category: Image Viewers
LanFlow Net Diagrammer is a drawing tool for laying out, designing, and documenting a network, LAN, internet, or other communications system. Drop in components like computers, workstations, and se...
Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
KoolMoves is a web animation software that creates Html5, GIF, AVI/MP4 movies. It offers a full set of drawing tools as well as the ability to import SWF Flash Movie files, FLV Flash Video files, vector clipart, MP3 an...
Category: Animation Tools
Macro Express allows you to create macros manually or by recording them. Quick Wizards are available making creation of macros a breeze! Macros can also be created and edited with a powerful, yet e...
Category: Task Automation
GroupMail (Personal Edition) is an email list mailer that allows you to send personalized text or HTML messages to multiple mailing lists. The program can import existing mailing lists from various distribution list for...
Category: E-mail Programs
GIF Movie Gear makes building GIF animations easy, using a filmstrip that allows you to view all the frames of your animation at once. Youi have full control over all aspects of the animation, including frame delay, tra...
Category: Animation Tools
Easy Thumbnails is a handy utility for creating accurate thumbnail images and scaled-down copies from a wide range of popular picture formats. An elegant interface makes it simplicity itself to find your images and sele...
Category: Image Resizing