These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
PicturesToExe allows you to select images and compile them into a standalone EXE slideshow with transition effects, background music, personal comments and more. You can select images (JPG, BMP and...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
IrfanView is probably the most popular and feature packed free image viewer for Windows. It has been around for many years and keeps getting better. In addition to standard image viewing, it includes many additional fea...
Category: Image Viewers
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
JPEG Imager is a simple and handy interactive JPEG image compressor. Its main function is to create optimized by size and quality jpeg files. Besides, JPEG Imager has a number of functions, which allow to prepare an ima...
Category: Image Resizing
Vallen JPegger is a handy image viewer and MP3 browser that has been optimized for browsing through large folders with many images. It automatically creates thumbnail previews of all images in the selected folder and o...
Category: Image Viewers
Advanced JPEG Compressor is an interactive JPEG Image Compressor and Optimizer. It features a powerful and flexible JPEG compression engine that has been especially optimized for higher image quality. ...
Category: Image Resizing
CryptaPix is an image viewer with built-in Blowfish encryption. It supports GIF, JPG, PNG, PCX, TIF, and BMP images and supports full screen slide- shows of your protected images. Additional features include encrypted t...
Category: Image Viewers
Easy Thumbnails is a handy utility for creating accurate thumbnail images and scaled-down copies from a wide range of popular picture formats. An elegant interface makes it simplicity itself to find your images and sele...
Category: Image Resizing
Easy GIF Animator helps you to create animated GIF images with ease. You can set a variety of options to customize your GIF animation with several effects. The interface allows for frame by frame preview and configurati...
Category: Animation Tools
XnView is a program for viewing and converting your graphics files. It supports more than 400 graphics formats and offers many additional features. You can apply filters and effects to your images...
Category: Image Viewers
Smart Pix builds a database of all the images and multimedia files in your collection and allows you to (quickly and easily) assign multiple keywords or descriptions to them. These keywords and descriptions are used fo...
Category: Photo Organizers