These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
ActiveWhois is WHOIS tool that allows you to retrieve domain specific information and displays it in an organized overview, that includes DNS information, IP address and connection speed as well as all the standard doma...
Category: Network Information
Atomic Top Level Domain Filter (ATLDF) is a simple program that lets you filter a list of email addresses based on the domain extension (country, .net, .com etc.). The filtered list can then be saved as a new one, allow...
Category: E-mail Programs
IPNetInfo allows you to easily find all available information about given IP address. You can check multiple IP addresses at the same time, convert host names (if you don`t have the IP) and also paste email headers and ...
Category: Network Information
PSPad editor is a programmer's editor with support for a wide variety of syntax highlighting profiles and many advanced features geared towards web developers and programmers. It comes with a ...
Category: HTML and Code Editors
DzSoft PHP Editor is a tool for writing, editing, and debugging PHP scripts and HTML pages. It has a built-in FTP client and browser, Code Explorer, File Explorer, customizable Code Templates, etc. The Code Explorer pro...
Category: Developer Tools
Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a small tool that can reveal the registration code and CD key that you used to register your copy of Windows. The information is extracted from the Windows registry, so there is very lim...
Category: Password Recovery
NDIR is a full-featured, color directory lister. It is a complete replacement for the DOS DIR command, with many additional features. It supports long filenames under FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and up to 200 different file-exte...
Category: File Management
HTMLPad is a full featured editing environment for convenient and productive HTML, XHTML, CSS, PHP and web script editing. It provides integrated tools to validate, reuse, navigate and format your code....
Category: HTML and Code Editors
nPad2 is a notepad-like source viewer and editor with support for syntax highlighting (HTML, PHP, ASP, C++, Object Pascal, Java, Basic). It is mostly intended as a notepad replacement,source code viewer or as a portab...
Category: Text Editing
HTML Guardian will protect your entire web site. It encrypts HTML, ASP and script files, including .j and .vbs. It makes stealing and reusing your source code impossible and in addition protects your links, images and m...
Category: Developer Tools