These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
FolderMill provides automated conversion of input documents to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, or other image formats, as well as printing.
The basic idea behind configuration is to create Hot Folders and set ...
Category: Document Conversion
Docsvault Small Business Edition is a server/client based document management software that enables you to store your company`s important documents in a central repository, organize them into cabinets and folders, track...
Category: File Management
Benubird PDF is a document management system that allows you to manage and archive your files in a central location, from where they can be edited, tagged, categorized and exported. The program is optimized for use with...
Category: File Management
AscToHTM is a simple to use, yet powerful and highly configurable utility that will convert plain ASCII text (.txt) files to HTML. It converts plain text files by recognising headings, bullets, use of emphasis, multiple...
Category: Document Conversion
Pdftohtml is a command-line tool that translates .pdf documents into html format. It offers several parameters, including options to create output with or without using HTML frames, ignore or include images, translate i...
Category: Document Conversion
Miraplacid Text Driver enables you to extract text from any printable document regardless of the format (as long as you can open, view and print it). The program installs as a virtual printer driver and is available fro...
Category: Document Conversion
STDU Converter enables you to convert DjVu, TIFF or Comic Book Archive files (.CBR) into PDF documents. You can select the pages that you want to convert, apply global or per-page color adjustments...
Category: Document Conversion
Total Excel Converter enables you to convert Excel and Excel 2007 workbooks, as well as OpenOffice formats (.odt, .ods) and other file types to a variety of output formats, including PDF, HTML, Access, TXT, ODT, ODS, XM...
Category: Document Conversion
PDF-XChange Viewer is an alternative viewer for PDF files that enables you to view and annotate PDF files. You can add text, sticky notes, and other annotations and save them to the file, which wil...
Category: PDF Tools
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
DocSmartz PDF to Word Converter enables you to convert PDF files to Microsoft Word (.doc) or RTF format, from where you can edit the file, even if the original PDF does not support editing. Several...
Category: Document Conversion