These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Picture Resizer is an image resizing tool, which strongest aspect is the simplicity of it`s use. The program comes as standalone EXE file, that you can place anywhere, and simply drag and drop an image or folder with im...
Category: Image Resizing
PhotoRazor enables you to resize an entire folder or selected images and save the smaller version to a new subfolder. You can specify the maximum width/height and image quality, and it also offers ...
Category: Image Resizing
Shrink Pic can automatically resize images that you are sending by email, instant message or upload from your browser to your blog account. The program resizes the images on-the-fly, so there is no additional dialog or ...
Category: Image Resizing
Quick Image Resizer is an easy to use image resizer and compression tool for non-technical users. It provides a simple drag and drop interface that automatically resizes the images based on a selected profile. ...
Category: Image Resizing
TinyPic is a simple but effective tool to resize one or multiple images by simply dragging them onto the TinyPic interface. The program is designed for people who are not familiar with image resizing and compression lev...
Category: Image Resizing
PicShrink is an image compression tool that can convert, resize and compress your images. It supports several popular image formats (bmp, jpg, gif, png, wmf, emf) and can output the processed files to JPG and/or PNG for...
Category: Image Resizing
Web Resizer enables you to compress, resize and convert your images, add a watermark, change the DPI, and also make minor image adjustments (brightness, contrast, sharpening). The program is primarily designed to proces...
Category: Image Resizing
PIXresizer is a photo resizing program to easily create web and email friendly versions of your images with reduced file sizes. The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your original images are not altered...
Category: Image Resizing
Photo Resizer Pro is a program to resize, print and email your photos. You can process single or multiple pictures at once, set a maximum height/width, JPEG compression quality, add a prefix and more. ...
Category: Image Resizing
Graphics Converter Pro is a batch image converter and viewer that can read 500 image formats and convert them to more than 100 different formats including BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, PDF, ICO and many others.
Category: Image Processing