These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Web Link Validator is a tool for webmasters to check links for accuracy and availability, find broken links or paths and links containing syntax errors. Using this tool you can also retrieve links from a site and then b...
Category: Site Management
MetaProducts Offline Explorer allows you to download your favorite web sites for later offline browsing. You can set up multiple projects and keep them updated by having the program automatically download new or update...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download an entire website (or part of it) and save it to a local directory for offline browsing. The site links are automatically rebuilt relatively s...
Category: Web Site Downloaders
Arles Image Web Page Creator enables you to quickly and easily create image collections for the web. The program creates high quality thumbnails, modifies images and automatically creates the HTML pages. You can fine tu...
Category: Image Gallery Tools
Atelier Web Remote Commander (AWRC) is a remote control software that allows you to access a PC remotely over a network. What makes AWRC different is that it does not require that you install any kind of software on th...
Category: Remote Computing
Domain Name Analyzer is a domain name lookup tool, that allows you to research, find, register and manage domain names for your product or business. It includes options to generate multiple domain names from keywords an...
Category: Network Information
Abyss Web Server is a small personal web server, that supports HTTP/1.1, CGI scripts, partial downloads, caching negotiation, index files and directory aliases. It features an easy to use and attractive remote web manag...
Category: Misc. Server Tools
KF Web Server is a free HTTP Server that can host an unlimited number of web sites. Its small size, low system requirements and easy administration make it the perfect choice for both professional and amateur web develo...
Category: Misc. Server Tools
Automize is a task scheduler and automation software that can automate a variety of tasks, including ftp transfers, ftp logging, web downloads, web site monitoring, email checking and sending, telnet, ping, directory mo...
Category: Task Automation
AlarmWiz is an easy to use, yet flexible reminder program and task scheduler that can play audio (mp3, wav, CD audio), dial Internet connections, send email or pages, launch programs, and more. It can even perform compl...
Category: Task Automation