These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Concenturio is an easy to use reminder tool that can remind you of tasks, appointments, birthdays or other upcoming events. You can configure simple, one-time reminders or set up recurring events that remind you every ...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
AbleFtp is an FTP client, that is primarily designed for automation of FTP and related tasks (copy, move, zip, download, upload etc.). It enables you to create advanced FTP tasks that can be scheduled or also run immedi...
Category: FTP Programs
todometer is a meter-based to-do list for your desktop that offers positive reinforcement - as you complete tasks, the progress meter fills.
The program is straightforward ...
Category: To-Do and Reminders
Virtual Cottage is a desktop app is meant to help you get started with your tasks and bring you into the flow state.
You can specify a task and a set duration and the app will play calming backgro...
Category: Desktop Tools
Macro Scheduler lets you create macros to control applications, automate software processes and assign tasks to scheduled events, desktop shortcuts or hotkeys. You can perform complex tasks with a single mouse click, o...
Category: Task Automation
C-Organizer Professional enables you to manage your personal and business-related information from a stylish, user friendly interface. It contains a Tasks List, Address Book, Password Manager, Notes, Alarm, and an Event...
Category: Info Management
Sarch is a command executor that allows you to insert time and date values into the actual execution string. For example, you could use it to set up an automated process to compress your server`s ...
Category: Advanced System Tools
Weather Clock is a replacement for the standard Windows system clock, that offers integrated weather information (current and forecast), custom alarm functions, time synchronization and a variety of different skins to c...
Category: Misc. Internet Tools
DataNumen Outlook Repair enables you to recover your email messages and attachments from damaged or corrupt Outlook Personal Folder (.pst) files. It supports mail messages (with embedded objects), folders, posts, appoin...
Category: Outlook Add-ons
Auto Power-on Shut-down enables you to automatically turn your computer on and off at a specific date and time. It supports rebooting, shutdown, hibernation and wake-up from hibernation, as well as log-off and turning ...
Category: Task Automation