These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
JitBit Network Switcher (formerly Net Profile Switch) is a tool laptop users that frequently travel between network locations (e.g home/office) and need to adjust their network settings accordingly. The program enables ...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
IP Tools (a.k.a. IP Sniffer) is a protocol analyzer that supports filtering rules, adapter selection, packet decoding, advanced protocol description and more. Detailed information about each packet...
Category: Protocol Analyzers
NetSetMan allows you to quickly switch between pre-configured network settings. The program is ideal for people on the road, who frequently connect to different networks and need to update or reconfigure their network s...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
Eusing Free IP Switcher enables mobile users to quickly switch between different network settings with the click of a button. You can create up to 5 different profiles that define IP address and D...
Category: Network Administration
Morten s HostAlive is a multi-ping tool to easily check the online status of computers in a TCP/IP network like the Internet. It pings those hosts in a configurable time interval and reports the on...
Category: Network Monitoring
MultiPing is a tool for monitoring of one or more TCP/IP hosts. It provides detailed, graphical statistics about the monitoring period and customizable alerts that can notify you of poor performance via email, sound and...
Category: Network Monitoring
IPJudo is a TCP/IP diagnostics toolkit that includes a variety of network tools to help you analyze connection problems and gather information from your local network or the Internet. It includes a graphical traceroute...
Category: Network Information
The Advanced IP Address Calculator is a utility that lets you to calculate every aspect of your subnet configuration with just a few mouse clicks. It was designed for network administrators who needs a fast way to deter...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
EMCO Network Inventory is a tool to perform fast and comprehensive PC hardware inventory and software audits. It offers different methods to scan your
entire network for all available machines and domains and can retri...
Category: Network Administration
Advanced IP Scanner is a multi-threaded LAN scanner, that lets you gather various types of information about local network computers. The scan results include the NetBios username, computer name, g...
Category: Network Scanner