These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
FeedDemon is a RSS client that can retrieve and organize RSS feeds from the internet. It comes pre-configured dozens of newsfeeds, and you can easily add your own, by adding the URL for an RSS feed of your choice. FeedD...
Category: RSS Feed Readers
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
RssReader allows you read RSS and Atom web feeds and manage your subscriptions. It automatically downloads new feed entries and notifies you from the system tray with the newly added headlines. The interface can be cust...
Category: RSS Feed Readers
FeedRoller is a customizable desktop news ticker that displays the latest news from your choice of RSS feeds. The ticker can be placed along the top or bottom of your screen and can auto-hide whenever your mouse moves ...
Category: RSS Feed Readers
Readefine is a unique RSS/Atom feed reader that beautifies the layout of your news feeds and turns them into easy-to-read magazine pages. There are two layout styles available as well as customizable font settings and r...
Category: RSS Feed Readers
MindFusion XML Viewer lets you examine the contents of an XML file and also make make modification to the XML code. You can insert, edit and delete items as well as add and delete properties to ex...
Category: Text Editing
Microsoft XML NotePad 2007 assists developers in creating XML applications. It allows authors to rapidly build and edit small sets of XML data as a test bed during the development of XML-based applications. With XML No...
Category: Text Editing
XMLFox Advance is a XML editing and validation tool for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema. It offers an XML preview as well as XML Tree, XML Grid, and XML Script view of your document. XMLFox Ad...
Category: Text Editing
XMLBlueprint is a full featured XML editor that offers Unicode aware text editing, XML validation, XSL transformation, code completion, syntax coloring, and more. You can load files locally or directly from a remote FTP...
Category: Text Editing
Project Dogwaffle is a full featured paintbox application including natural tools, real-time filters, image warping, gradients, and more. The program is primarily designed for "unnatural painting" ...
Category: Image and Photo Editing
PhotoScape is a complete photo editing suite that includes image browsing/viewing, photo editing, picture page printing, photo resizing and renaming, and even RAW conversion. The photo editor inclu...
Category: Image and Photo Editing
Offers to install promotional, third party software.