These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Time Travel is a date calculator that allows you to calculate the differences between two dates in days, weeks months or years. The program offers advanced options that let you skip certain days of...
Category: Misc. Utilities
Find Favorites provides quick access to your Internet Explorer Favorites from the system tray. It allows you to quickly find Favorites by keyword, sort them by URL or name, copy URLs, organize them as URL or HTML link t...
Category: Browser Tools
IE PassView retrieves all usernames and passwords along with their associated URL from the Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge password database - IF they have been saved by Internet Explorer. The program allows you to...
Category: Password Recovery
Comodo Internet Security (formerly Comodo Firewall) combines Comodo AntiVirus with a personal firewall that filters ingoing and outgoing traffic on your computer. It alerts you of any applications...
Category: Firewalls
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
TimeToPhoto is a simple program that enables you to add an overlay with the date the picture was taken, as well as the file name and photo name (optional). It uses the EXIF date information which is saved to the file by...
Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
Debugbar is a toolbar for Internet Explorer that enables web developers to inspect the content of a web page. It includes a DOM inspector, Javascript inspector, HTTP headers viewer and a HTML validation tool. ...
Category: Browser Tools
Internet Video Converter is a frontend that provides a user interface (GUI) for several Open Source video conversion products. It enables you to convert between various popular video formats including Mpeg, DV, Quicktim...
Category: Video Converters
Internet Download Accelerator is a HTTP/FTP download manager that uses multi-section downloads to provide the best possible performance for all connection types. It allows you to create your won categories and automatic...
Category: Download Management
Offers to install promotional, third party software.
MyLastSearch is a handy little tool that enables you to review your recent web searches. It scan the IE and Firefox browsing history and returns a formatted report with all web searches performed on Google, Yahoo and MS...
Category: Browser Tools
IISKeeper is an ISAPI filter for Internet Information Server (IIS) that enables you to restrict access to selected files and folders on your web site without the need to create new Windows user accounts. IISKeeper offer...
Category: Misc. Server Tools