These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
JStock is a personal stock manager that enables you to manage and analyze your portfolio with near real-time data and Intraday charts. You can add your personal stock transactions to keep track of your gains and losses,...
Category: Personal Finance
sStockQuote is a simple stock quote application that enables you to quickly retrieve the current quotes for you favorite stock symbols via Yahoo Finance.
The list of stocks can be sorted by column...
Category: Personal Finance
TickVue is a simple stock tracking tool that periodically queries Yahoo Finance and updates your list of stock with the most recent quotes. The program offers basic features, suitable for casual stock tracking. It can a...
Category: Personal Finance
TakeStock is an investment portfolio manager that enables you to track the value of your stock portfolio. You can track US and international stocks as well as mutual funds, and use the built-in symbol lookup to quickly ...
Category: Personal Finance
Stock Stalker is a simple stock quote monitoring and tracking application that offers streaming of real-time quotes and a compact, easy to use interface.
You can add the ticker symbols you want ...
Category: Personal Finance
WikiquoteScreensaver is a screensaver that displays quotes from the WikiQuote project on your desktop. The default settings use shaded text on a black background, which can be customized by setting...
Category: Desktop Tools
Netstock is a stock quote retrieval program that enables you to keep an eye on your favorite stock symbols and keep track of your losses and gains. The program also includes an alert option that can sound an alarm when ...
Category: Personal Finance
IP-Info is a small tool that retrieves your public IP (v4 and v6) and local network IP and allows you to copy the IP address to the clipboard.
You can also view additional information from the Win...
Category: Misc. Networking Tools
TinyTrader is a stock tracking software and portfolio manager that downloads the latest stock quotes and charts from Yahoo! international web sites.
The program can download Intraday, end-of-day...
Category: Personal Finance
SoftKey Revealer enables you to retrieve the CD/DVD keys and serial numbers from various software products installed on your computer. The program works with Microsoft products, including Office as well as numerous othe...
Category: Misc. Utilities