These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
PicturesToExe allows you to select images and compile them into a standalone EXE slideshow with transition effects, background music, personal comments and more. You can select images (JPG, BMP and...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
HTML Executable is a suite of tools for compiling, packaging and distributing HTML publications, including web sites, eBooks and more. These publication can be fully customized with messages, logo, splash screen, icon, ...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
WebExe is a HTML compiler that will convert a single HTML page, or group of pages, into a standalone self-running EXE file with integrated browser. Users are given full control of the browser s attributes, functionality...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
ProShow Gold allows you to easily create stunning photo slide shows for friends, family, business, or just for fun. You can add a custom sound track, pick from hundreds of transition effects, add sound effects, text ca...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
Slide Show Pilot enables you to create standalone slideshows and screensavers simply from your photos, by simply dragging and dropping images into the interface, or select them from a folder. It includes more than 30 tr...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
Dynamic-CD enables you to create a dynamic web site on CD. Unlike regular (HTML) CD compilations, Dynamic-CD includes a web server on the CD that allows you to use dynamic pages, driven by ASP and VB code, including use...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
ImageToAVI allows you convert a collection of image files (BMP, JPEG, and GIF) into an AVI movie slideshow. You can select the images to include, set a delay time between slides and also select a WAV background music if...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
PowerPoint Slide Show Converter enables you to convert MS PowerPoint presentations (.ppt files) into a standalone EXE file that can run the presentation without the need to have PowerPoint installed (The MS Powerpoint ...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
VaySoft Video to EXE Converter enables you to compile a video file into a standalone EXE player. You can choose to display a custom image before or after the playback, use a custom application icon and also launch a web...
Category: Multimedia Compilers
JPEG Imager is a simple and handy interactive JPEG image compressor. Its main function is to create optimized by size and quality jpeg files. Besides, JPEG Imager has a number of functions, which allow to prepare an ima...
Category: Image Resizing