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DateCalc is an advanced date and time calculator that enables you to perform a wide variety of date calculations with ease. You can calculate the exact time (days, weeks, minutes, hours etc.) between two dates, add/subt... Category: Educational Tools
EXIF Date Changer enables you to change the "Date Taken" date of photos taken with a digital camera. The program includes a simple photo browser lets you select the image you want to modify and also displays the rest of... Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
Ace Pro Screensaver Creator enables you to create professional screensavers, that can be shared with friends and family or used for commercial distribution as shareware screensavers with trial limitations and expiration... Category: Multimedia Compilers
Adebis Photo Sorter enables you to automatically organize your photos into a logical folder structure based on the date the photos were taken. You can create folders based on the year and optionally create sub-folder st... Category: File Management
AKVIS Retoucher is a Photoshop compatible plugin that can help you restore images, remove scratches, unwanted texts and dates, dust and more. The plugin works with a selection in your Photoshop com... Category: Photo Enhancement
QuickImageComment allows you to add comments and category tags to your images by utilizing the EXIF and IPTC features of digital images. Your comments are stored directly inside the metadata of the... Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
ImageCD Catalog enables you to catalog your photo CDs and browse and/or search through them by thumbnail images, without the need to insert the original CD. You can add keywords to each disk, search for photos by name, ... Category: Disk Cataloging
TimeToPhoto is a simple program that enables you to add an overlay with the date the picture was taken, as well as the file name and photo name (optional). It uses the EXIF date information which is saved to the file by... Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
Acute Date Calculator is a simple date calculator that allows you to quickly calculate the difference between two gives dates. Simply select the dates on the side-by-side calendars and the program ... Category: Misc. Utilities
DesktopCal is a simple desktop calendar that blends into your desktop without blocking access to your desktop icons. You can double-click on a day to quickly add a note and also jump to specific da... Category: Desktop Tools