These categories may be related to what you're looking for:
Rapid CSS Editor enables you to create and edit style sheets for the web. You can create new style sheets from scratch or start from several included templates and sample style sheets. The program ...
Category: Developer Tools
Free CSS Toolbox helps you to optimize and validate your existing CSS code. It offers advanced formatting options that can make it easier to work with your code, as well as optional compression to reduce the load time o...
Category: Developer Tools
TopStyle Lite is a simple CSS editor that allows you to edit and create CSS style sheets. It is based on TopStyle Pro but only contains a small subset of features aimed at casual users that just need basic CSS editing f...
Category: Developer Tools
AutoTask 2000 is a task scheduler, that can run as a service or as a background application. It supports the use of conditional triggers allowing you to run a task when a specified event on your system has occurred. In ...
Category: Task Automation
WinScheduler allows you to schedule variety of different tasks to run on defined time or a specific event. You can define your tasks to run every minute, hour, day, week, or month or just once.Spec...
Category: Task Automation
AlarmWiz is an easy to use, yet flexible reminder program and task scheduler that can play audio (mp3, wav, CD audio), dial Internet connections, send email or pages, launch programs, and more. It can even perform compl...
Category: Task Automation
Automize is a task scheduler and automation software that can automate a variety of tasks, including ftp transfers, ftp logging, web downloads, web site monitoring, email checking and sending, telnet, ping, directory mo...
Category: Task Automation
FontTwister lets you create impressive text effects for web pages, illustration, multimedia projects and presentations. You can easily add glows, bevels, transparency, embossing, texture, edges, soft shadows and blurs t...
Category: Misc. Imaging Tools
FileMonkey is a file management tool, that automates many common file management tasks. It offers search and replace (content and file names), file splitting, renaming, attribute changing, changing case and more. You ca...
Category: File Management
xStarter is a utility to automate routine computer tasks. You can create complex tasks that are triggered by a file system event, on a schedule, conditional or run manually. The program can archive data, run windows ap...
Category: Task Automation